
corn pone 玉米餅。

corn salad

The climbing fire lit up their faces and threw its ruddy glare upon the pillared tree - trunks of their forest temple , and upon the varnished foliage and festooning vines . when the last crisp slice of bacon was gone , and the last allowance of corn pone devoured , the boys stretched themselves out on the grass , filled with contentment 烈焰騰騰,輝耀著他們的臉龐,也照亮了他們用樹干撐起的那座林中圣殿,還把流光鍍到那些光滑得似油漆過一般的樹葉上和那些綴著花朵的青藤上。

I have some beans and corn pone , 我有些菜豆和玉米餅